
Senin, 25 Juni 2012

Share Postingan Blog ke Twitter dan Facebook Otomatis

Punya follower dan teman di twitter dan .Facebook cukup banyak? Nah ini  bisa di manfaatin untuk mempromosikan postingan blog anda ke situs tersebut,selain mendapatkan visitor, tentunya akan mendapatkan backlink dari link yang kita share disana.

Khusus bagi sobat blogsnewsunik yang tidak ingin ribet publikasikan postingannya ke twitter dan facebook secara manual, kali ini saya ingin berbagi Cara Share Postingan Blog ke Twitter dan Facebook Otomatis. Dengan cara ini akan memudahkan sobat untuk mempublish postingan blog ke twitter tentunya sangat simple. Yuk kita langsung praktekkan ;

1. Bukalah situs situs pihak ketiga inilah yang akan mempublikasikan postingan blog secara otomatis anda KLIK DISINI
2. Silahkan daftar dan konfirmasikan pendaftaran via email dan login ke dashboard nya
3. Silahkan Klik Add New web  :

4. Isikan URL Feed blog anda :

5.Lengkapilah semua data yang diminta, pada tab gambar diatas silahkan anda setting sesuai keinginan
6. Sekarang saatnya koneksikan Postingan ke Facebook dan Twitter,silahkan Add Destination

7. Sobat akan diminta untuk izin Akses untuk Login ke akun twitter dan Facebook
8. Login ke akun twitter anda dan klik Autorize App  :

9. Close Window, dan anda akan kembali kesitus tersebut dan Setting Publish ke Twitter sudah jadi :

10. Untuk Edit atau Delete Silahkan klik Ikon pada gambar diatas
11. Selesai.
Nb : Untuk settingan Facebook lakukan hal yang sama seperti menambahkan Destination Twitter.
Jadi dengan Cara Share postingan Blog ke Twitter dan Facebook Otomatis yang kita setting blog kita dengan situs tersebut, maka setiap ada postingan baru blog kita otomatis di forward ke akun twitter dan Facebook kita. Anda pun juga bisa setting Facebook Fanpage untuk update artikel terbaru ke seluruh Fans blog Anda.
Demikian sedikit artikel Cara Share postingan Blog ke Twitter dan Facebook Otomatis tentang semoga berguna,,sebagai rasa trimakasih sobat terhadap blog inin silahkan baca artikel menarik lainya di Artikel Populer dan menu category,bisa juga klik di bawah ini

Selasa, 05 Juni 2012


Bahan-bahan dasar

 ketemu labi mas brow……….
sekarang kita akan membuat gambar e  mas ARDHAN agak sedikit morat-marit nanti bantu menata lagi ya mas brow……….
1. pertama2 kita siapkan 3gambar.lalu buka photoshopnya (ctrl  + N) (saya pakai cs5)
2. setelah kita buat lembar kerja baru ,kita satukan semua gambar dengan membuat layer dari masing2   gambar sehingga susunanya menjadi seperti pada gambar dibawah

3.setelah semua layer tersusun sesuai dengan gambar diatas. kemudian aktifkan layer puzzle (gbr puzzle),lalu      gunakan Quick selection tool unt seleksi satu bagian puzzle 

4. setelah satu bagian terseleksi, aktifkan lagi layer gambar, kemudian ambil atau pindahkan hasil seleksi tersebut keposisi yang diinginkan seperti tampakpada gambar dibawah. setelah gambar sapeyan letakkan matikan seleksi tsb ( ctrl + D)….. ulang langkah ini dan pilih bagian mana yang akan diseleksi terserah anda

 setelah selesai jangan lupa menata kembali wajahnya mas Ardan lho , kasihan.....

WEB gabungan surat

Begini cara kerjanya :
Script ini akan membaca setiap kata pada postingan kita, contohnya jika kita menentukan keyword 'blog', maka setiap kata 'blog' dipostingan kita akan menjadi sebuah link yang akan menuju url yang sudah kita tentukan pula.

Scriptnya seperti ini :
<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function autoLink(){
    this.keywdHref = new Object();
    this.add = function(keyword, href){
        if(keyword.substr(0,1) != &quot; &quot;){keyword = &quot; &quot; + keyword;}
        this.keywdHref[keyword] =  href;
    this.createAnchor = function(){
        var objs = document.getElementsByTagName(&quot;div&quot;);
        for(var i=0; i&lt;objs.length; i++){
            var obj = objs[i];
                var content = obj.innerHTML;
                for(var keyword in this.keywdHref){
                    var href = this.keywdHref[keyword];
                    var newstr = content.replace(keyword, &quot;&lt;a href=&#39;&quot;+href+&quot;&#39;&gt;&quot;+keyword+&quot;&lt;/a&gt;&quot;, &quot;gi&quot;);
                    obj.innerHTML = newstr;
                    content = newstr;
    this.startScript = function(){
        var onLoad = window.onload;
        window.onload = function(){
            setTimeout(&quot;f.createAnchor()&quot;, 100);
<script type='text/javascript'>
var f = new autoLink();
tutorial &quot;, &quot; http://www.;);

Nah perhatikan yang berwarna merah
silakan ganti dengan kata kunci yang sobat inginkan,,cukup 1 kata
 saja jika tidak ingin dibanned ma om gugle. Warna biru silakan ganti dengan url blog sobat sendiri. 

Untuk pemasangan script ini cukup gampang silakan
letakan script diatas code </body>

Sekian dulu ya, jika ada yang kurang ntar ditambahin.

Oh ya ingat, kata yang ditulis bersifat case sensitive, yang berarti kata BLOG dengan blog itu berbeda lo.


1. buka halaman Www.Twitter.Com maka akan ada tampilan seperti berikut ini
2. isilah kolom diatas, full name dengan nama anda, email, serta password dan klik tombol signup warna kuning di bawahnya, kemudian akan muncul tampilan seperti berikut ini, jika nama yang kita inginkan masi tersedia maka akan di centang hijau, jika sudah hijau semua kemudian klik create my akun di bawahnya
3. tahap berikutnya adalah suggestion buat teman di twitter, tinggal kita lewati saja tahap ini dengan klik nest steps di kanan bawah seperti yang saya lingkari berikut ini
Daftar Twitter
4. seperti tahap 3 diatas ini merupakan sarana mencari teman dengan kesamaan dari hobi atau pun kesukaanya di situs twitter ini, dan silahakan juga klik nest steps di kanan bawah juga, seperti yang sudah saya lingkari di bawah ini
Daftar Twitter
5. tahap ini merupakan tahap untuk mengimpor teman yang ada di email, jika pengen import teman dari emil silahkan saja search contact yang ada sesui dengan email anda masing-masing sesuai dengan email yang di gunakan untuk daftar twitter anda, jika tidak mau silahkan klim skip import
5. tahap ini merupakan tahap untuk mengimpor teman yang ada di email, jika pengen import teman dari emil silahkan saja search contact yang ada sesui dengan email anda masing-masing sesuai dengan email yang di gunakan untuk daftar twitter anda, jika tidak mau silahkan klim skip import
cara daftar twitter
6. anda sudah mempunyai akun twitter, dan silahkan melakukan verifikasi email yang di kirimkan oleh pihak twitter dengan cara mengklik link yang di kirmkan, dan kita sudah bisa berkicau dengan akun twitter kita
TwitterSemoga panduan cara membuat twitter ini bermanfaat bagi kalian yang belum bisa memb uat twitter, seperti halnya panduan Cara Membuat Facebook 


Good news: BlueSoleil 6 users have free access to the latest version. All you have to do is simply download and install the software accordingly.
BlueSoleil 8 based on BlueSoleil 6's features takes advantage of Bluetooth v3.0 High Speed technology. The data transfer rate is about 26Mbps. What's more, this new version has done a lot of functional improvement and performance optimization. It fulfills user’s need for speed while providing the same wireless Bluetooth experience – faster. You can move large data files of videos, music and photos between your devices without the need for cables and wires. Here is an example of file transmission:
BlueSoleil 6 :
What a wonderful product! Would you like to enjoy it? (High Speed function needs of both ends are Bluetooth v3.0 HS devices.)
BlueSoleil 8 is one of the most popular professional Windows-based Bluetooth application, emerging from IVT by great innovation and independence, Bluesoleil is able to fulfill demands of integrating a diverse array of Bluetooth enabled digital devices, such as mobile phones, headsets, printers, keyboards and so on. You can also form networks and exchange data with other Bluetooth enabled computers.
Are you tired of tangling wires?
Now, BlueSoleil 8 presents a new wireless Bluetooth experience. You can transfer files, photos, music, videos and any other data wirelessly. Meanwhile, you are able to connect with other people via BlueSoleil 8. It is a valuable tool that you can share with you family and friends. BlueSoleil is such a user-friendly device, it only takes a few minutes to learn and with such a reasonable price you’re bound to take it home!
We’ve also added two new features, which are "Phonebook" and "Messages" management. You can now view and manage all your contacts from your mobile phone from BlueSoleil 8 and backup your contacts wirelessly via BlueSoleil 8. You could easily type long messages directly from BlueSoleil messages dialogue which is very convenient and fast.
BlueSoleil 8 supports most Symbian S40/S60, Windows Mobile, MTK mobile phones and those who provide PBAP service.
  • Contact management
    -- Backup/recover Bluetooth phone's contacts to/from computer
    -- View Bluetooth phone's contacts on computer
    -- Edit/delete/upload contacts
    -- PBAP Profile supported (New Feature)
  • SMS
    -- Send SMS to multiple people from your computer
    -- View/backup/delete SMS messages on your Bluetooth phones
  • High anti-piracy protection performance
    -- BlueSoleil 6 has a new mechanism on copyright piracy which protects your legitimate rights and interests.
BlueSoleil 8 works flawlessly on any Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 platforms.
Experience the freedom and ease of a Bluetooth environment by using BlueSoleil 8!
Supported Bluetooth Phones
  • All Bluetooth phones based on Symbian S60. For the usage, 
  • All Bluetooth phones based on Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0. For the usage, .
  • Most of Bluetooth phones from Nokia, Moto, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, HTC/Dopod, LG, and BlackBerry etc. 
Supported Bluetooth Chipsets
BlueSoleil 8 supports most main chipset such like CSR, Broadcom, ISSC, Texas Instruments, Ahtheros, 3DSP, Marvell, Accel Semiconductor, Conwise, etc. and thus supports more Bluetooth laptops than before, e.g. Lenovo ThinkPad, HP, Dell, Sony, ASUS, Samsung, TOSHIBA and LG etc.

will, .. please take the following

Creating Email at

A. Creating Email at is the acquisition by  Google  so the first step in creating a blog on blogspot is that we are obliged to have a GMAIL account as that used untu email list at Although it could use another email, but let me tell you the make GMAIL mending from the beginning.

How To Make Email in Gmail
List of free GMAIL open  and click on the top right corner of  the Create An Account  or  Create an Account
how to create a blog
create an account at
Live data content of data in gmail account to be created such as name, place of birth date, passwords, and others.
create a blog
Usually in making email on GMAIL we need to verify via your mobile phone number so try to enter phone numbers that can dikirimin sms from Google for verification.
Having created a new email in Gmail you can proceed to step 2 create a blog.

2. Create a Blog & List at
After creating an email in GMAIL it's time to register in
go to  and click the top right which says' sign up  or  register '
how to create a blog
Fill as desired:
  • email  : GMAIL email that we created earlier in step 1
  • Password  : choose a password at least 8 characters
  • Display Name (name display)  : It is a name used as the account name on the blog later. For example I chose the name "ayead clueless" then the name that will appear when I post it later was "posted by sampristi  or posted by sampristi
  • Gender (Sex)  : select the appropriate gender or the fact that doubt choose "other or others"
  • Birthday (date of birth): input to the format day / month / year eg if your date of birth 17 August 1945 it entered = 17/08/1945 when the english format as shown below then the date format is  month / day / year
  • Word Verification (verification): Enter the characters contained in the
  • Then check the Acceptance of terms (acceptance peryaratan)  Click Continue / Resume
3. Creating a Blog |  How To Make Blog
Until the above processes are finished my friend how to make a Blogger account, it is time to make his blog. 
how to register blogspot
Blogger account click on " New Blog "to create a blog. Then the page will appear to select Title, Address and Blog Templates.
How to Create Blogger: select title, address and template
Select the title and blog address .

The title is used as penama blog, for example for this first blog I titled Blognya Ayead Tergaptek
  • Address is the url address of the desired IP address of this blog blog blogayead .
Clueless suggestion: in choosing a title and name of the blog do not choose a strange or difficult to spell or use strange symbols. Choose an easy to remember others and not confusing.

Choosing a Blog Template
There are a variety of congenital blogger templates available to pick up my friend in accordance with a preferred and click  ' Create Blog '  visit also:

Sampristi suggestion  : In choosing a blog template the beginning, I prefer the template  'AWESOME'  because it looks simple without a lot of background images.Template whose name is' Simple '  it really is not as simple as a name because it uses a background image in the form of so heavy to open.

4. Blog It So
Congratulations! up here blog has been created, but still empty. After this there will be some things that need to be set prior to posting.
. Do not forget to check the registered mail was to verify our google account.
In the email that we list in Step 1 will be there "

Google Email Verification

"Open and click on the link in your email
7. Blog Ready to Wear
My friend can make a post / new writing, editing display

visit also:
 1. Creating Posts / New Posts 
2. Postings view / edit the post 
3. Set the Widget 
4. Setting 
5. Setting the View Template: color, etc. 
6. New blog, one blogger account can be used to make many blogs so my friend could add another blog just to have a blogger account. 
Hope  How to Create a Blog  modest benefit from this blogspot.


Currently making a website is not a difficult thing. Blogs can be used as one alternative, if you want to create a website. With a blog you can create a website simple to your liking with the easy and free. What is a blog? Here are some definitions of the blog:
  •  Weblog or blog is the text of documents, images, media objects and data are arranged hierarchically and according to a specific timeline that can be viewed via the internet bowser (eg internet explorer)
  • . Blog is a periodic publication and remain on one's personal thoughts and web links
  •  Blogs are journals that are provided on a web. Activity of updating a blog is called "blogging". Someone who runs a blog called "bloggers"
  •  Blog is a continuous journey, with the guidance of a sustainable and consistent logic.Topics and discussion in a blog are usually consistent on the major topics, such as politics, literature, music and so on
  •  Blogs are journals that are provided on the web. Blogs can be updated every day with an application provided by the provider. No special skills required to perform an update or manage your blog. Post in your blog regularly arranged according to certain criteria, usually with the order setting the date
In general, the blog has the main features, namely: the archive and the comment box. Site serviceprovider free blog at this time so many of them:,,,,,,,,, etc. .Among the many service providers blog, is a popular blog service providers. If you create a blog with  the url address of your blog will include: In this tutorial I will give you the steps to create a blog Then I also will list the links that can be used as a reference or inspiration for developing your blog


Basic commands HTML HTML Commands Command Function  Command Example 1. <a href="alamaturl"> text </ a> , create a hyperlink / link <a href=""> Link      kesampristi. </ a> 2. <img src="alamaturlgambar"> put on this fig <img src=""> 3. <marquee direction = "left" > text </ marquee> create animated text runs from right to left  text runs <marquee direction="lef"> This </ marquee> 4. <p align="center"> text </ p>   paragraphs set centered  <p align = "center"> center </ p> 5. <br>      a line break (enter)    <br> 6. <font size="1"> font 1 </ font> adjust the font size<font size = "1" > font 1 </ font> LINK VENDORS LIST ELEMENT FREE .................... free calendar ....................... free blog templates ........................ Free hour ....................... shoutbox / guestbook ........ ....................shoutbox / guestbook, google pagerank ................. hosting ....... file photo / drawing for free or a free photo storage provider ....................... hosting file photo / drawing for free or a free photo storage provider .................... free blog templates ..... Free file hosting, to save your file to be downloaded (pdf / doc / xls) ..... file hosting for free, to save the file to be downloaded (pdf / doc / xls) http:/ / ....... Free file hosting, used untukmenyimpan file can be downloaded (pdf / doc / xls) ......... free counter, blog statistics ........... glitter countdowns ........... ............... http://www.haloscan.comcomment board ............. tag-board ............... tag-board, counter ........... .... free counter, blog statistics ............. free counter, blog statistics ........... blog templates .................. free blog templates ................ free blog templates ................................ free counter, visitor statistics TUTORIAL LINK LIST BLOG About Video URL contents / description ............... blog tutorial & adsense ....... ... adsense column .............. tutorial blog BLOGGER LIST INDONESIA COMMUNITY LINK URL content / description ............ collection of tutorials and a variety of interesting stories collection of Indonesian blogger http:/ / ..... a collection of bloggers, a list of local bloggers and non-local blogger community Jogja ............. ............ advertising network media blogger community ....................... Makasar .......... ........... Surabaya blogger community ................. Padang community blogger community ................ Padang blogger Jogja community blogger .................................. community .... Malaysia blogger bloggers ............... Bandung Bandung community blogger blogger-Bandung ...... Bali Blogger Community ...... ............... blogger community Semarang ............. . Palembang blogger ................ Garut blogger community ......................Lampung blogger community ....................... East Kalimantan blogger community cal-blogger community .................... East ........ bloggerian community ............ .................. Satra essays ...................... collection of blogs Indonesia ....... Indonesia Muslim bloggers ............ Done well go deh end of this tutorial as well .... Hopefully useful and inspiring for you .... salam bro blogger ..

WEB apps (video)


Here's how it works: 
The script will read every word on our posts, for example if we specify the keyword 'blog', then every word 'blog' dipostingan we will be a link to the url that will we have set as well. 

script like this:
<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function autoLink(){
    this.keywdHref = new Object();
    this.add = function(keyword, href){
        if(keyword.substr(0,1) != &quot; &quot;){keyword = &quot; &quot; + keyword;}
        this.keywdHref[keyword] =  href;
    this.createAnchor = function(){
        var objs = document.getElementsByTagName(&quot;div&quot;);
        for(var i=0; i&lt;objs.length; i++){
            var obj = objs[i];
                var content = obj.innerHTML;
                for(var keyword in this.keywdHref){
                    var href = this.keywdHref[keyword];
                    var newstr = content.replace(keyword, &quot;&lt;a href=&#39;&quot;+href+&quot;&#39;&gt;&quot;+keyword+&quot;&lt;/a&gt;&quot;, &quot;gi&quot;);
                    obj.innerHTML = newstr;
                    content = newstr;
    this.startScript = function(){
        var onLoad = window.onload;
        window.onload = function(){
            setTimeout(&quot;f.createAnchor()&quot;, 100);
<script type='text/javascript'>
var f = new autoLink();
tutorial &quot;, &quot; http://www.;);

Now note that is red 
please replace with your desired keywords,, just one word
  only if it does not want to banned gugle om ma. The blue color please replace with your own blog url.  

For installation script is pretty easy to please
place the above script code </ body>

So first, yes, if there is less ntar ditambahin. 

Oh yes remember, the word is not case sensitive, which means the word BLOG with different lo's blog.

OneNote mobile application

Mobile applications work great with OneNote OneNote Web App

OneNote mobile application available on multiple platforms, including  Windows Phone 7 , iPhone ,  iPad , and now Android.  They all work with OneNote on the desktop and Web applications OneNote on your browser.Today, the  OneNote team announced  exciting new offerings: OneNote Mobile for Android is now available in Android Market app store!

Once you get started with OneNote on your device, you can log in to SkyDrive to see a list of your notes, or view and edit them on the web.  You can even share your notes from your phone with friends, classmates, colleagues, or fellow working.
To share notes, just right click on the file in SkyDrive and select "Sharing."  ni is one of my favorite feature, because with one click you can share your notes taken in class, travel plans, recipes, to-do list, or even a  shopping list , as we have on display at CES last month

Screenshot of Sharing OneNote in SkyDrive